Prohibition of alcohol, often referred to simply as prohibition, is the legal act of
prohibiting the manufacture, transportation and sale of alcohol and alcoholic
Prohibition was a major reform movement in the United States of America from the 1840s into the 1920s,
and was sponsored by evangelical Protestant churches, especially the
Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Disciples and Congregationalists. The Women's Christian Temperance Union,
founded in 1874, and the Prohibition
Party were major players until the early 20th century, when the movement
was taken over by the Anti-Saloon League. The Women’s Christian Temperance
Union [believed that Prohibition] would protect families, women and children from
the effects of abuse of alcohol. By using pressure politics on legislators, the
Anti-Saloon League achieved the goal of nationwide prohibition during World War
I, emphasizing the need to destroy the political corruption of the saloons, the
political power of the German-based brewing industry, and the need to reduce
domestic violence in the home.
Prohibition was instituted with ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment
to the United States Constitution on January 16, 1919, which prohibited the
"...manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within,
the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United
States..." Congress passed the "Volstead Act" on October 28,
1919, to enforce the law, but most large cities were uninterested in enforcing
the legislation, leaving an understaffed federal service to go after
bootleggers. [1] Three separate Federal Agencies were to enforce the Volstead Act: a) the United States Coast Guard Office
of Law Enforcement, b) the US Treasury Department IRS Bureau of Prohibition and c) the US
Department of Justice Bureau of Prohibition [2]

Nationwide Prohibition in the United States began on January 17, 1920 and focused on the manufacture and sale of alcohol [1]…one anomaly of the Act as worded was that it did not actually prohibit the consumption of alcohol; many people actually stockpiled wines and liquors for their own use in the latter part of 1919 before sales of alcohol became illegal the following January.
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Photograph via Corbis. |
The introduction of alcohol prohibition and its subsequent enforcement in law was a hotly debated issue. The contemporary prohibitionists ("dries") labeled this as the "Noble Experiment" and presented it as a victory for public morals and health. The consumption of alcohol overall went down and remained below pre-Prohibition levels long after the Eighteenth Amendment was repealed. Anti-prohibitionists ("wets") criticized the alcohol ban as an intrusion of mainly rural Protestant ideals on a central aspect of urban, immigrant and Catholic everyday life. Effective enforcement of the alcohol ban during the Prohibition Era proved to be very difficult and led to widespread flouting of the law. The lack of a solid popular consensus for the ban resulted in the growth of vast criminal organizations, including the modern American Mafia, and various other criminal cliques. Widespread disrespect of the law also generated rampant corruption among politicians and within police forces. [2]
The sale of alcohol was illegal, but alcoholic drinks were still widely
available. People also kept private bars to serve their guests. Large
quantities of alcohol were smuggled in from Canada, overland, by sea along both
ocean coasts, and via the Great Lakes. Legal and illegal home brewing was
popular during Prohibition. "Malt and hop" stores popped up across
the country and some former breweries turned to selling malt extract syrup,
ostensibly for baking and "beverage" purposes. [1]
Chicago became a haven for Prohibition dodgers
during the time known as the "Roaring Twenties". Many of Chicago's
most notorious gangsters, including Al Capone and his enemy Bugs Moran, made
millions of dollars through illegal alcohol sales. By the end of the decade
Capone controlled all 10,000 speakeasies in Chicago and ruled the bootlegging
business from Canada to Florida. Numerous other crimes, including theft and
murder, were directly linked to criminal activities in Chicago and elsewhere in
violation of prohibition. [2]
A speakeasy, also called a blind
pig or blind tiger, was an
establishment that illegally sold alcoholic beverages.
The term “bootlegging” came into
use in the 1880s, when it referred to the practice of hiding flasks of illegal
liquor inside boots.
Prohibition became increasingly unpopular during the Great Depression.
The repeal movement was started by a wealthy Republican, Pauline Sabin, who
said that prohibition should be repealed because it made the US a nation of
hypocrites and undermined its respect for the rule of law. Her fellow
Republicans were put in office by the "drys" and, even though they
eagerly partook in consumption of alcoholic beverages at her parties, in public
they presented themselves as opposing the repeal of prohibition, lest they be thrown
out of office by the dry voting blocks.
This hypocrisy and the fact that women led the prohibition
movement convinced her to start the organization that eventually led to the
repeal of prohibition. When her fellow Republicans would not support her
efforts, she went to the Democrats, who changed from drys led by conservative
Democrats and Catholics to supporting repeal led by liberal politicians such as
La Guardia and Franklin Roosevelt. She, and they, emphasized that repeal would
generate enormous sums of much needed tax revenue, and weaken the base of
organized crime.
The Repeal of Prohibition in the United States was accomplished with the
passage of the Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution on
December 5, 1933. By its terms, states were allowed to set their own laws for
the control of alcohol. The organized Prohibition movement was dead nationwide,
but survived for a while in a few southern and border states. [1]
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ca. 1925 Photograph via Corbis |
photos from Google Images and The New Yorker's article "We Wanted Beer"
Viewing material:
Documentary on Prohibition
Brian De Palma's The Untouchables [1987]
Billy Wilder's Some Like it Hot [1959]